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Writer's picturePort Elizabury

Forging Foundations: Prince Ambrose I and Prime Minister Luis Marcel Shape Isturusian Identity in Landmark Legislative Session

Prince Ambrose, Prime Minister Luis Marcel, and I have worked to provide a consistent and active legislative session, as Prime Minister Marcel oversees his first legislative session. With the support of the Paladins of the Sovereign Council of Ste. Croix, the council has worked to provide a basis for what being an Isturusian and a Voiqilan mean.

Since the start of the Second Sovereign Council of Ste. Croix on the 24th of May, the legislature has been busy debating and passing bills, which have helped develop the nation rapidly. This has provided a signal to allies that the Auguric Republic is a stable and consistent nation following its change in government in May of 2024.

With questions swirling about theocracy within Auguric society, many questioned the validity or need for a theocracy within the nation due to the potential issues that may arise from vast differences in religious views from members of the council. These questions were put to rest quickly as members from the Catholic Church, Hrafnarfjallian Norse Pagan Community, Church of Aspen, and Auguraculum Acadia all confirmed their intentions to remain respectful and cordial with their fellow paladins.

As soon as the legislature opened, the paladins quickly affirmed the past bills that had passed in the United Kingdom of Elizabury, Forsteri, and the Transaintecroix, with the passage of the Act on Human Care and Rights. Within this bill, the nation saw the announcement of bans on certain applications and recognition of genocidal events and citizenship policies within the nation. 

This bill also provided a brief overview of the nation’s stance on the growing usage of Artificial Intelligence in society, which included the establishment of a surveillance program towards artificial intelligence for both positive and negative developments. While the legislature has not made any official statements on artificial intelligence, it has remained a hot-button issue between various paladins, with some promoting its use, and others calling for an all-out ban.

Quickly following the passage of the Act on Human Care and Rights, the establishment of a postal system and license plates was passed. Following the passage of the Statute on Postal System Structure, it has piqued the interest of Atlian and North Sea Government officials who have floated the idea of adopting a similar structure.

 In July 2024 the Treaty of St. Bede was signed between the Kingdom of Aspen and the Auguric Republic of Isturus and the Voiqila, which saw the adoption of the system within the Kingdom of Aspen. Marking the first time the system was incorporated outside of the Auguric Republic, its implementation has yet to be seen as of writing, but it is hoped the adoption of the postal system in Aspen will be the catalyst for widespread adoption of the system in the Chausalantique Community. 

The work of the council swiftly continued following the passage of the Statute on Postal System Structure, with the proposal and passage of the Statute on Education in the Auguric Republic. The act introduced vast operational standards and programs for the development of a micronational education system, which is hoped to eventually lead to a locally based homeschooling system for future Auguric children and their families. The passage of this act, also saw the confirmation of the University of the Chaudiere to remain and to be enlarged, established in 2022.

While the Statute on Education in the Auguric Republic’s impact is far from being seen directly, the inspiration and adoption of such program structuring has been proposed within the Viceroyalty of Francesca, as has the possibility of the University of the Chaudiere getting imperial support outside of the Auguric Republic. Education has been a key point of the Chausalantique Community since its founding. 

The Aspen-Cypsopina Educational Summit in early 2023 was a key event in solidifying the educational ideals of the Chausalantique Community, of which the University of the Chaudiere was the presented institution from the Cypsopinan Delegation. Further educational endeavors are expected, and the University of the Chaudiere and the Auguric Educational System are expected to make themselves known as a model of education within the Chausalantique Community and beyond. 

As if the establishment of an educational system was not enough for the Sovereign Council for the month of June, it was followed up with the Act on Symbols and Their Care. This gargantuan act, inspired by the Atlian Imperial Law on Imperial and Royal Imagery and other previous legislation within the North Sea Empire and the Kingdom of Atlia regarding regulations on imagery, was penned by Prince Ambrose I and spans over thirty-five pages of content.

Within the act, outlines for what and how certain symbols should be designed, colored, and displayed, as well as things such as the national personification, Aesop the Augur. Furthermore, the act after being passed has been sent to the newly established North Star Parliament, alongside its inspiration from Atlia. It is hoped that with these two documents side by side, the Chausalantique Community can become more formal for its respect, love, and care for flags and other symbols in their nations.  

Despite the young age of the nation, over the course of the previous few months since the theocratic reorganization of the nation. It has become apparent that some things had to be updated, added, and changed. Therefore, with the help of Prime Minister Marcel, and Prince Ambrose I drafted and presented the Act on the Amendment of Civil Administration

The document outlined a power-sharing agreement with many of the nation’s villages with many given the right to host various governmental offices. It however did see an agreement to consolidate various offices into departments should there not be enough people to fill each seat. This novel approach had not been seen in the Chausalantique Community since its introduction but has however gained traction in the Viceroyalty of Francesca. 

Other things presented were the adoption of a national retirement policy, age requirements across the board for things such as drug use, marriage, driving, and body modifications such as tattoos. LGBTQ+ rights were further enshrined with detailed examples of policies allowing same-sex couples to be in relationships and marry within the Auguric Republic. The amendment was passed unanimously and has become the first amendment of the Imperial Laws of the Auguric Republic

Following the passage of the act, Prime Minister Marcel proposed to Prince Ambrose his selection for the first Macel Ministry, which was approved following private discussions. James Christan was made the Minister of Cultural Affairs, Thomas Bainbridge was made Minister of Home Affairs, and Luis Marcel himself was given the role of Minister of International Affairs. Despite the small size of the First Marcel Ministry, it has proven effective and swift in its duties. With Minister Bainbridge announcing health concerns over H5N1 and raising COVID-19 and MPox cases. 

Shortly before announcing the closure of the Second Sovereign Council, Minister Bainbridge notified Prime Minister Marcel and Prince Ambrose of needing to excuse himself for an early recess. This was quickly accepted and Minister Bainbridge was thanked for his work within the Sovereign Council by Prince Ambrose. 

The Second Sovereign Council of the Ste. Croix closed for recess until December 21st, 2024, with all ministers expected to carry out their duties alongside Prince Ambrose I during the recess. The groundwork has been laid for a micronational cultural powerhouse to form, what the Auguric Republic and Prime Minister Marcel do with it is not known. However, with the delicate and careful work Prime Minister Marcel has displayed so far, the Auguric Republic is looking towards a great 2025 and beyond. 

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